I have not completed my journey, but I have completed a life time of...stuff.
I was trying to be all mystical and wise by making up a quote, but that didn't work.
This year I wanted to make some art, and that is literally what I did.
And some awesome art if do say so myself, and I do.
I did something this year that I never thought would be possible a year ago.
But I'm not finished, yet. I'm still going to keep this Entertainment Game going, and I'm going to continue to "Dragon Up!" my life.
I'm not at my max level yet, I'm not a Level 37 Rogue. But I'm going to be, catch me on your TV screen, MP3, Magazine, Wildest Dreams, Amdragg is on the scene!
Peace Y'all!
Lost and confused. Hope you begin to see what is real. And who you are really entertaining.