Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Doing it All Rong...

I Done Goofed...
I decided what I was going to do is make a sort of rotating character stand like the Trophys in the Super Smash Bros. Series, with Amas. However, when I began putting him in a pose I began to see very serious errors in the way his body was deforming.

 I ended up having to re-rig and weight-paint(Painting How much influence a bone has on a certain part of a model) about 7 times, and I still have some stuff do tweak. Also, his poncho mesh has stopped working correctly. It no longer falls on him and molds around him like a cloth simulation should so and instead chose to float above him, so I had to delete it. I'm going to have to remodel it again, but I'm probably still keeping the textures, so it shouldn't be too different. 

I'm sure you haven't noticed, cause I sure didn't, that Amas, and all of my Characters seeing as though they are copied from that his body have their hands backwards. This truly shouldn't be a problem, just reversing the hand bones should fix it, but still it stressed me out nonetheless.

 I guess this is what happens when you sort of do this kind of stuff on a whim, but I'm glad I atleast know about this now instead of months down the road. 

Also, if anyone actually reads this stuff that knows about 3D modelling in general please give me some tips, or if anyone knows someone who has experience about this kind of stuff give me a sign so my mind won't burst in a ball of flames. 

I still have no idea what I'm going to do with the colors.... GOD WHY ME?!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Update #6

Okay So Minor Set-Back

I was supposed to have Nival Modeled by now, but I stopped because my brother didn't like his hair.
So I kinda got mad at him and stopped working on it. 
Mad Petty, I know.

Regardless, I did model something I completely forgot for Amas Iso, His Emergency Only Pistol that I proudly named in less than 30 seconds "Lady Bolla's Head"

No shame!!!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Update #5 Test Render: Nival

New Character Unlocked!:

Nival is my Brother's character.

He's a Strix which a Race of Nocturnal Humanoid Beings with Wings.


Updated Sword Breaker Dagger

Amas Iso (HD)

"No, of course I'm not making fun of you. I'm simply making a statement that explains and displays your lack of better judgement and overall intelligence.

Should I talk slower for you to understand me better?

Do I need talk short!?" - Amas Iso

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Update #4

Animation Update

I finished rigging Amas completely. 
Practice Animation: