Finished Completed, and will be be rigged probably within the next two days. Yay!
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
Re-textured Amas Iso Model
Junk Turned to Crap, Really Fast
1000 passes, "Shadeless" and Transparent, Re-textured like everything except the boots.
Re-Upload of Swordbreaker Dagger
Forgot to pack my texture files to model. Besides, they looked pretty crappy regardless...

I think the one at the top looks better!

Friday, September 25, 2015
Friday Update 2: Almost Done with the First Character
You'd Think It'd Get Easier
Updated Render: 1000 Passes, Toon + Diffuse Mixed Shaders,
Textured Poncho (Unfinished), Hair, Hat, and Body Color.
Here's a little info on Him (I mean A lot):
Early Life:
Amas Iso was born to a Kūda Iso, his human father, and Hana Iso, his Kitsune Mother, both of whom were travelling merchants.
His father, Kūda, was a human merchant who was very business savvy and was always travelling the world for the most rarest of artifacts to sell, trade, and haggle over. His father was a drunkard racist who made sure that all knew what he thought about non-humans, and his mother was an emotional wreckage, not being able to control her multiple personalities. So, he left home at an early age with nothing but a small wooden dagger he carved himself and his father's compass, and set off to find a life better than what he had been given at home. He was obsessed with the art of haggling over rare things, and made it his goal to haggle in any and all offers, trades, or decisions regarding anything he had not seen, owned previously, or heard of. He also admired the variety of rare items based on the culture, race, or region that he found them in. In fact, his fascination with such rare and culturally diverse items gave him the opportunity to meet his wife, whom he loved at first sight. The fact that her Kitsune features made her a rarity out of all the women he had ever met, and, unlike his father, he loves Hana in all her forms. Her beauty and freeness of spirit instantly attracted him. He has always proved loyal to her, causing a strong bond of love that can never be broken, and though she is not as ambitious in business, they both enjoy travelling and admiring the people and places they visit.
His mother was not one to find enjoyment in shouting over a piece of junk, and how it was worth more than other pieces of junk, like her husband. She was more enticed by the journeying from place to place. She was born as a Kitsune shape-shifter in a small isolated village near the vast jungles and deserts of Alaria. Her father was a Gnoll Exile who had suffered the punishment of letting one of the Gnoll Chief's slaves go free. This was a crime that cost him his standing with the pack, and left him suffering with the crushing loneliness of exile. However, the slave found him again and payed him her gratitude by accompanying him in his exile so that he was no longer alone. She then became his wife and the both of them became carpenters in a small village. When Hana was born, she was not allowed to show her true form outside of her small village for fear of being persecuted by any locals in the various towns, villages, or cities she lived or visited. Therefore, she always immersed herself in other cultures that were accepted. The art, languages, cultural customs, and especially the clothing styles fascinated her and filled her need to replace her culture that she was not allowed to appreciate. When she first met her husband, she feared he was a slave trader trying kidnap her and sell her to some rich lord in a distant country. His fascination with her was fairly odd, and taboo to her to say the least. Yet, she found out that he truly did love her, and not just because she was just a rare species, but for who she was as a person. She is very free spirited, and still loyally supports her loving but stubborn husband.
Amas was born 5 months after his parents were married. Though the parents expected the baby to be born human, they were surprised to find that he too shared the same shape-shifting abilities as his mother. As a result of the baby being born, the Isos actually rented (after 3 hours of haggling with the landlord) a small Inn Suite for a good 3 weeks before continuing on their travels, bringing little Amas with them on all of their journeys.
Amas as a young boy was always full of excitement and wonder. He would always introduce himself to anyone that would be willing to talk to him, and would always try to learn new things from all sorts of people, whether it be a trade, skill, or knowledge about the world around him.
As Amas grew in years, he became able to take in knowledge from different people that he had met travelling with his parents. An old half-orc blacksmith by the name of Berzus from an old taught Amas how to tinker with certain locks and mechanical traps.
While in a very bustling city, he learned certain sneak tricks from an Ex-Military Scout in a local pub by the name of Yunril the Left Eye. He even shot his first gun at a very prestigious nobleman's house on the most important business trip of his father's career. No one was hurt, but a very expensive statue of the nobleman's wife no longer had it's head intact. While the wife stood their in horror of the pure marble statue that's head was blown to pieces. The nobleman however seemed very humored, and gave a quiet chuckle only Amas and his mother could hear.
Amas decided to leave his parents care to take the world on his own when he got of age. Of course his mother and father were deeply saddened to hear this, knowing that they could not be able to protect their once little boy, now a passionate and charming young man. Fortunately, they opened up a small antique shop in the same town that his parents met, after his grandfather on his mother's side had passed, so he could visit them whenever he felt the need to.
As he journeyed on, he joined a traveling circus to take care of the circus animals performing. The pay was decent, but not enough to afford a night at an inn. Therefore, he often slept with Bones, the most tamed and kindest circus lion's, in his cage. There the two would talk for hours and hours. Amas was basically the only one who could talk, but he could tell sometimes what Bones said by his actions.
Anyway, after 8 months had gone by he began to take an interest in acrobatics. He would practice for hours after a show. He eventually convinced the Ring Leader to put on a Gunslinging Acrobatics act. The first night, the crowds roared with excitement as Amas performed flips and spins in the air while hitting his targets with more precision than accuracy. Regardless, it was a success, and this caved the way for his acrobat career to take off. Even though his salary had improved enough to afford decent lodgings, he still choose to bunk with Bones who, by then, had started to lose his liveliness with his growing age. But, he still appreciated the additional food that Amas had purchased to share between the two of them.
However, after a year, he began to miss home. He hadn't heard from, nor written to his parents in months and began to develop guilty feelings. It got to a point where he had to quit the circus and do something that wouldn't require him to travel such great distances from his parents. He wanted to take Bones with him, but the price to release him was a very hefty. So hefty that he could not pay him with all the money he had saved from his circus wages. So, he painfully said goodbye to Bones who didn't completely understand the situation, but could get the feeling that something wasn't right with his night-den friend. But, Amas promised he would visit him whenever the circus was around in his area, and he would find a way to make enough money to get him out. All he had to do was have faith in his Den buddy, Amas.
After going to live in the town where his parents had their shop for a few months, he he then began his profession as a courier, sending messages, delivering packages, and supplying shops with goods. Eventually, he began taking jobs out of the town his parents lived at and went town to town taking courier jobs that would take him to the next. He loved every moment of his job, and was then reminded of the experiences he had recently, and as a child. He realized that he had found something worthwhile to do with his life. Sure it wasn't captivating audiences, or creating a legend for himself. His pay wasn't any higher than when he started working at the circus! But, meeting new people, learning about new cultures, making new friends was more important to him. He realized that was all he needed in the world. No material possessions, nor fame could replace the relationships and knowledge he gained in his young, but still thriving life.
To free Bones from the Circus to rejoin with Amas.
To find a woman to spend the rest of his life with.
To make sure his parents are taken care of financially and emotionally.
To make his parents, his god, and himself proud by doing his best in everything he can do.
He has tendencies to act a little short sighted, and might be a little slow to understanding certain concepts. (Mother)
Can get very sarcastic if irked by something or someone. (Mother)
Motivated to things he might want. (Father)
Stubbornly set in his ways to a point of agitating someone else (Mother/Father)
His parents taught him that the Deities that people worship are just spirit creatures that use their powers to benefit themselves. However, The Creator, is the most powerful spirit creature in the universe. He had no beginning, and will have no end. He created the universe and everything in it, therefore he needs nothing from his creation. But, that does not mean he is distant, or does not care about us. He wants everyone in the universe to be happy, and does not want to see them in pain or acting in a way that displeases him. Eventually he will destroy all the wicked things and only the good things will be left to inherit the planet. There will be no death, no sickness, nor suffering in the universe, and on his chosen day, those who chose to believe in him will be able to live forever.
No prejudice of Race, Culture, or Social Class. Only Eternal Peace and Happiness.
This belief is very secretive and is not a faith one would publicly declare to belong to. Only those who come across it in conversations with certain people, or in a rarity of books, would this belief be mentioned.
Combat Style/ Technique:
As far as combat goes, he still has the nobleman's small coat pistol from when he was a child, and is trained in using it, but only in "Emergency" situations will he ever use it. When use of his strength is not found to be very effective, he uses his speed and agility to perform complex and unpredictable maneuvers that make him a formidable opponent to cross. In between the jests and wisecracks, he determines what is the enemies weaknesses and exploiting them enough to detain them, or prevent them from causing more harm. He won't purposefully kill a living person, and generally won't try to harm animals unless need be. He uses combat to defend himself and anyone he considers an ally.
Amas Iso was born to a Kūda Iso, his human father, and Hana Iso, his Kitsune Mother, both of whom were travelling merchants.
His father, Kūda, was a human merchant who was very business savvy and was always travelling the world for the most rarest of artifacts to sell, trade, and haggle over. His father was a drunkard racist who made sure that all knew what he thought about non-humans, and his mother was an emotional wreckage, not being able to control her multiple personalities. So, he left home at an early age with nothing but a small wooden dagger he carved himself and his father's compass, and set off to find a life better than what he had been given at home. He was obsessed with the art of haggling over rare things, and made it his goal to haggle in any and all offers, trades, or decisions regarding anything he had not seen, owned previously, or heard of. He also admired the variety of rare items based on the culture, race, or region that he found them in. In fact, his fascination with such rare and culturally diverse items gave him the opportunity to meet his wife, whom he loved at first sight. The fact that her Kitsune features made her a rarity out of all the women he had ever met, and, unlike his father, he loves Hana in all her forms. Her beauty and freeness of spirit instantly attracted him. He has always proved loyal to her, causing a strong bond of love that can never be broken, and though she is not as ambitious in business, they both enjoy travelling and admiring the people and places they visit.
His mother was not one to find enjoyment in shouting over a piece of junk, and how it was worth more than other pieces of junk, like her husband. She was more enticed by the journeying from place to place. She was born as a Kitsune shape-shifter in a small isolated village near the vast jungles and deserts of Alaria. Her father was a Gnoll Exile who had suffered the punishment of letting one of the Gnoll Chief's slaves go free. This was a crime that cost him his standing with the pack, and left him suffering with the crushing loneliness of exile. However, the slave found him again and payed him her gratitude by accompanying him in his exile so that he was no longer alone. She then became his wife and the both of them became carpenters in a small village. When Hana was born, she was not allowed to show her true form outside of her small village for fear of being persecuted by any locals in the various towns, villages, or cities she lived or visited. Therefore, she always immersed herself in other cultures that were accepted. The art, languages, cultural customs, and especially the clothing styles fascinated her and filled her need to replace her culture that she was not allowed to appreciate. When she first met her husband, she feared he was a slave trader trying kidnap her and sell her to some rich lord in a distant country. His fascination with her was fairly odd, and taboo to her to say the least. Yet, she found out that he truly did love her, and not just because she was just a rare species, but for who she was as a person. She is very free spirited, and still loyally supports her loving but stubborn husband.
Amas was born 5 months after his parents were married. Though the parents expected the baby to be born human, they were surprised to find that he too shared the same shape-shifting abilities as his mother. As a result of the baby being born, the Isos actually rented (after 3 hours of haggling with the landlord) a small Inn Suite for a good 3 weeks before continuing on their travels, bringing little Amas with them on all of their journeys.
Amas as a young boy was always full of excitement and wonder. He would always introduce himself to anyone that would be willing to talk to him, and would always try to learn new things from all sorts of people, whether it be a trade, skill, or knowledge about the world around him.
As Amas grew in years, he became able to take in knowledge from different people that he had met travelling with his parents. An old half-orc blacksmith by the name of Berzus from an old taught Amas how to tinker with certain locks and mechanical traps.
While in a very bustling city, he learned certain sneak tricks from an Ex-Military Scout in a local pub by the name of Yunril the Left Eye. He even shot his first gun at a very prestigious nobleman's house on the most important business trip of his father's career. No one was hurt, but a very expensive statue of the nobleman's wife no longer had it's head intact. While the wife stood their in horror of the pure marble statue that's head was blown to pieces. The nobleman however seemed very humored, and gave a quiet chuckle only Amas and his mother could hear.
Amas decided to leave his parents care to take the world on his own when he got of age. Of course his mother and father were deeply saddened to hear this, knowing that they could not be able to protect their once little boy, now a passionate and charming young man. Fortunately, they opened up a small antique shop in the same town that his parents met, after his grandfather on his mother's side had passed, so he could visit them whenever he felt the need to.
As he journeyed on, he joined a traveling circus to take care of the circus animals performing. The pay was decent, but not enough to afford a night at an inn. Therefore, he often slept with Bones, the most tamed and kindest circus lion's, in his cage. There the two would talk for hours and hours. Amas was basically the only one who could talk, but he could tell sometimes what Bones said by his actions.
Anyway, after 8 months had gone by he began to take an interest in acrobatics. He would practice for hours after a show. He eventually convinced the Ring Leader to put on a Gunslinging Acrobatics act. The first night, the crowds roared with excitement as Amas performed flips and spins in the air while hitting his targets with more precision than accuracy. Regardless, it was a success, and this caved the way for his acrobat career to take off. Even though his salary had improved enough to afford decent lodgings, he still choose to bunk with Bones who, by then, had started to lose his liveliness with his growing age. But, he still appreciated the additional food that Amas had purchased to share between the two of them.
However, after a year, he began to miss home. He hadn't heard from, nor written to his parents in months and began to develop guilty feelings. It got to a point where he had to quit the circus and do something that wouldn't require him to travel such great distances from his parents. He wanted to take Bones with him, but the price to release him was a very hefty. So hefty that he could not pay him with all the money he had saved from his circus wages. So, he painfully said goodbye to Bones who didn't completely understand the situation, but could get the feeling that something wasn't right with his night-den friend. But, Amas promised he would visit him whenever the circus was around in his area, and he would find a way to make enough money to get him out. All he had to do was have faith in his Den buddy, Amas.
After going to live in the town where his parents had their shop for a few months, he he then began his profession as a courier, sending messages, delivering packages, and supplying shops with goods. Eventually, he began taking jobs out of the town his parents lived at and went town to town taking courier jobs that would take him to the next. He loved every moment of his job, and was then reminded of the experiences he had recently, and as a child. He realized that he had found something worthwhile to do with his life. Sure it wasn't captivating audiences, or creating a legend for himself. His pay wasn't any higher than when he started working at the circus! But, meeting new people, learning about new cultures, making new friends was more important to him. He realized that was all he needed in the world. No material possessions, nor fame could replace the relationships and knowledge he gained in his young, but still thriving life.
To free Bones from the Circus to rejoin with Amas.
To find a woman to spend the rest of his life with.
To make sure his parents are taken care of financially and emotionally.
To make his parents, his god, and himself proud by doing his best in everything he can do.
He has tendencies to act a little short sighted, and might be a little slow to understanding certain concepts. (Mother)
Can get very sarcastic if irked by something or someone. (Mother)
Motivated to things he might want. (Father)
Stubbornly set in his ways to a point of agitating someone else (Mother/Father)
His parents taught him that the Deities that people worship are just spirit creatures that use their powers to benefit themselves. However, The Creator, is the most powerful spirit creature in the universe. He had no beginning, and will have no end. He created the universe and everything in it, therefore he needs nothing from his creation. But, that does not mean he is distant, or does not care about us. He wants everyone in the universe to be happy, and does not want to see them in pain or acting in a way that displeases him. Eventually he will destroy all the wicked things and only the good things will be left to inherit the planet. There will be no death, no sickness, nor suffering in the universe, and on his chosen day, those who chose to believe in him will be able to live forever.
No prejudice of Race, Culture, or Social Class. Only Eternal Peace and Happiness.
This belief is very secretive and is not a faith one would publicly declare to belong to. Only those who come across it in conversations with certain people, or in a rarity of books, would this belief be mentioned.
Combat Style/ Technique:
As far as combat goes, he still has the nobleman's small coat pistol from when he was a child, and is trained in using it, but only in "Emergency" situations will he ever use it. When use of his strength is not found to be very effective, he uses his speed and agility to perform complex and unpredictable maneuvers that make him a formidable opponent to cross. In between the jests and wisecracks, he determines what is the enemies weaknesses and exploiting them enough to detain them, or prevent them from causing more harm. He won't purposefully kill a living person, and generally won't try to harm animals unless need be. He uses combat to defend himself and anyone he considers an ally.
Friday, September 18, 2015
First Post: Update 1
Okay so, this is the first of many mandatory and probably distasteful blog updates I will be making over the course of 9 months.
Over those 9 months I will be developing within my skills and artistic (Ha!) talents a 5-10 minute animation regarding some adventures with me and my Siblings Pathfinder characters.
Pathfinder is a Table Top Roleplaying Game very similar to D&D, but really really complicated. I don't know why this game appealed to me more, but it did.
Anyhow, I'm going to be modelling, texturing, rigging, and animating these characters (Dear God help me), and probably many more, to show in a more cinematic way what had happened in our adventure. 5-10 minutes is pretty short, but it will probably be 5-10 minutes of the most exciting part of the adventure.
Here's some current progress for My Character: Amas Iso
Bamboo Textured Floor done by Rovy
(I don't know how to do Bump Map Textures Yet...)
Over those 9 months I will be developing within my skills and artistic (Ha!) talents a 5-10 minute animation regarding some adventures with me and my Siblings Pathfinder characters.
Pathfinder is a Table Top Roleplaying Game very similar to D&D, but really really complicated. I don't know why this game appealed to me more, but it did.
Anyhow, I'm going to be modelling, texturing, rigging, and animating these characters (Dear God help me), and probably many more, to show in a more cinematic way what had happened in our adventure. 5-10 minutes is pretty short, but it will probably be 5-10 minutes of the most exciting part of the adventure.
Here's some current progress for My Character: Amas Iso
Bamboo Textured Floor done by Rovy
(I don't know how to do Bump Map Textures Yet...)
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